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Why do we need to know the concept of the 4Cs?
4Cs is the universal method for assessing the quality of any diamond, which is created by GIA, the International Diamond Grading System™. It’s essential to learn about the 4Cs of diamonds before you purchase an engagement ring or other jewelry.
4Cs include Color, Clarity, Cut, and Carat.
The first C is Color.
A diamond’s grade is directly correlated with how little color it possesses. The GIA color scale for diamonds goes from D for colorless to Z for a pale yellow or brown diamond. Each letter represents a distinct color spectrum and indicates the degree to which that hue stands out. Few diamonds are completely colorless. The majority of diamonds that are cut and polished in your jewelry are almost colorless, exhibiting just the barest tinge of yellow or brown. A collection of master stones that illustrate the various color grades on the GIA scale was painstakingly put together by gemologists working for the GIA. A diamond’s color grade is established at the GIA lab by comparing it to a master set of diamonds that have been painstakingly matched to the original set. This ensures that the master set accurately represents the original set.
Below we can see all the color scales.
The second C is Clarity.
Being formed under intense heat and pressure, a diamond with no inclusions on the inside or out is a rare discovery. Inclusions result from the diamond formation process allowing gemologists to distinguish genuine diamonds from synthetic or similarly cut stones. From immaculate to included-three, the GIA clarity scale has 1130 notations. A fault or inclusion must be invisible at a magnification of 10 times. If a diamond has a grade of I3, it has 4 imperfections visible to the unaided eye. At GIA laboratories, diamond graders utilize a 10x loupe and a microscope to identify and remove inclusions. Due to the fact that every diamonds are unique in its special way. Particular stones may be identified with the aid of this distinctive pattern. At this stage, graders additionally record whether or not our diamond was treated to improve its clarity.
Below we can see the clarity list.
The third C is Cut.
The GIA cut scale for round brilliant cut diamonds has five categories ranging from excellent to poor. The cut is often associated with the shape of a diamond, such as a round or square cut. There is, however, much more to cut than simply the basic shape. How a diamond is cut and polished affects its brilliance and brightness as it interacts with light. Light’s interaction is affected by several facts, such as the diamond surface, the diamond facet, and the shape light returns to the eye. A Polish diamond’s proportions determine its light performance, affecting its beauty and overall attractiveness. With GIA, the diamond is placed in a precise measuring apparatus that rotates the stone 360 degrees to visually capture hundreds of measurements and facet angles, which are sufficient to produce a 3D image of the actual diamond. Given that defines a well-cut diamond, the cut grade must be determined by considering a variety of factors. After 15 years of research, GIA experts developed a comprehensive system for determining a diamond’s cut grade based on its dimensions, carat weight, girdle thickness, polish, and symmetry.
Below we can see all the cut standards.
The fourth C is Carat weight.
A one-carat diamond weighs about 200 milligrams or one-fifth of a gram. Given the constants at work, it stands to reason that bigger diamonds are more uncommon than smaller diamonds. A one-carat diamond, for example, is more expensive than four-quarter-carat diamonds combined. However, size is just one criterion in assessing a diamond’s value; the other 4Cs are equally essential. At the GIA laboratory, the diamond was moved in a hermetically sealed chamber and weighed to the fifth decimal point on an extremely precise computerized scale. The mass is then rounded down to two decimal places.
Below we can see all the carat weights.
With the development of science and technology, the production technology of lab-grown diamonds and Moissanites is very mature at present. In the lab environment, better clarity can be guaranteed and more sizes can be selected, and the story of blood diamonds can not appear. And the best is the price dropped obviously. If you have a plan to buy jewelry, you can have more choices no matter how much your budget is.
As a supplier with 8 years of experience, if you have any questions about loose moissanite and lab-grown diamonds, welcome to chat with QueendomGem.